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How to add eslint to neovim

using npm global install vscode-langservers-extracted. This will give your editor access to vscode-eslint-language-server.

add the appropriate packages

    config = function()
      require "plugins.configs.lspconfig"
    end, -- Override to setup mason-lspconfig
    config = function()
      require "custom.configs.eslint"

I have a custom.configs.eslint file that contains other eslint configs

local null_ls = require "null-ls"
local eslint = require "eslint"


eslint.setup {
  bin = "eslint", -- or `eslint_d`
  code_actions = {
    enable = true,
    apply_on_save = {
      enable = true,
      types = { "directive", "problem", "suggestion", "layout" },
    disable_rule_comment = {
      enable = true,
      location = "separate_line", -- or `same_line`
  diagnostics = {
    enable = true,
    report_unused_disable_directives = false,
    run_on = "type", -- or `save`

then in your lspconfig configuration file, add your eslint

--                                                               here --v
local servers = { "lua_ls", "html", "cssls", "tsserver", "clangd", "eslint" }
local lspConfig = require "lspconfig"

for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
  lspConfig[lsp].setup {
    on_attach = M.on_attach,
    capabilities = M.capabilities,

Tools to help with custom eslint making

AST Explorer