
88 lines
3.7 KiB

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Portfolio{% endblock %}
{% macro link(link, value) %}
<a href="{{link}}" target="_blank" class="text-indigo-300">{{value}}</a>
{% endmacro %}
{% macro skill(link, label) %}
{% call link(link, label) %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro job(title, date, description) %}
<div class="rounded-xl my-1 px-4 py-2 bg-white bg-opacity-5">
<h3 class="my-1 text-white text-opacity-40">{{title}}
<small style="font-weight: normal"><i> / {{date}}</i></small>
<p class="my-1">{{description}}</p>
{% endmacro %}
{% macro project(link, label) %}
<div class="flex w-full items-baseline gap-1 my-1">
{% call link(link, label) %}
<div class="flex-1 border border-dashed h-0 border-white border-opacity-20"></div>
{% call link(link, "👉") %}
{% endmacro %}
{% block content %}
{% call link("/tuts", "Micro Tuts") %} / {% call link("/notes", "Notes") %} / {% call link("", "Social") %}
<hr />
<h1 class="text-indigo-500">Triston Armstrong 🫰</h1>
Full Stack Software Developer
{% call link("", "@VentraHealth") %}
I am a self taught Full Stack Software Developer with an unhealthy addiction
to solving problems using code.
<h2 class="text-white text-opacity-80">🤹 Skills</h2>
{% call skill("", "Typescript") %}
| {% call skill("", "Python") %}
| {% call skill("", "Rust") %}
| {% call skill("","Javascript") %}
<h2 class="text-white text-opacity-80">💼 Jobs</h2>
{% call job("Ventra Health","May '23 - Present","Maintaining and iterating on an internal web application") %}
{% call job("Randstad Technologies", "May '22 - May '23", "Built Web Applications for external clients") %}
{% call job("Damiano Global Corporation", "July '20 - Nov. '21", "Built Web Applications for external clients") %}
{% call job("Makers Ladder LLC", "Dec. '19 - Apr. '22", "Did some thangs") %}
<h2 class="text-white text-opacity-80">🚧 Projects</h2>
{% call project("", "Solar Battery Monitor API")%}
{% call project("", "Armstrong Editor")%}
{% call project("", "Web Window Manager")%}
{% call project("", "Component Test Helper")%}
{% call project("", "Hive DAPP")%}
{% call project("", "Kivy Twisted Input Capture")%}
{% call project("", "Plant Monitor Node MCU")%}
{% call project("", "Oppo BDP 103 CLI")%}
{% call project("", "Sony Bravia Pro Server")%}
{% call project("", "Chat IO")%}
{% call project("", "Zip Code Distance App")%}
{% call link("", "Github") %}
{% call link("", "LinkedIn") %}
{% call link("", "GitLab") %}
{% call link("", "Twitter") %}
{% call link("", "Fosstodon") %}
<p><small>©2023-2024 Triston Armstrong. All rights reserved.</small></p>
{% endblock %}