# Hot Reload Axum I got tired of restarting my `shuttle run` server pretty fast. I needed a solution. Dug around a bit and found [tower_livereload](https://github.com/leotaku/tower-livereload). It was actually mentioned in the [shuttle](https://www.shuttle.rs/) docs [here](https://docs.shuttle.rs/getting-started/local-run#live-reload-frontend-with-tower-livereload). That isn't enought tho. You actually need one more piece. A more important piece i might add. [cargo watch](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-watch) This crate will auto reload your server on save, combined with `tower livereload` will also refresh the page, so you dont have to do anythign but wait, really. ## Show me the important stuff ### Install cargo watch ```bash cargo install cargo-watch ``` ### Add Tower livereload ```bash cargo add tower-livereload ``` ### Inject the necessary code in your project ```rust #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let app = Router::new() .route() // some route .layer(tower_livereload::LiveReloadLayer::new()); // <--- add here // --- ignore all of this ---v let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?; axum::serve(listener, app).await?; Ok(()) } ``` ### Run your shuttle server in watch mode ```bash # This will e(x)ecute `cargo shuttle run` when you save a file. cargo watch -x 'shuttle run' # This will also (q)uietly (c)lear the console between runs. cargo watch -qcx 'shuttle run' # There are many other helpful options, see `cargo watch --help` ```