-- Pull in the wezterm API local wezterm = require("wezterm") -- This will hold the configuration. local config = wezterm.config_builder() -- set shell to fish config.default_prog = { '/bin/zsh', '-l' } -- This is where you actually apply your config choices -- my coolnight colorscheme config.colors = { foreground = "#CBE0F0", background = "#011423", cursor_bg = "#47FF9C", cursor_border = "#47FF9C", cursor_fg = "#011423", selection_bg = "#033259", selection_fg = "#CBE0F0", ansi = { "#214969", "#E52E2E", "#44FFB1", "#FFE073", "#0FC5ED", "#a277ff", "#24EAF7", "#24EAF7" }, brights = { "#214969", "#E52E2E", "#44FFB1", "#FFE073", "#A277FF", "#a277ff", "#24EAF7", "#24EAF7" }, } config.font = wezterm.font("FiraCode Nerd Font") config.font_size = 19 config.enable_tab_bar = true config.window_decorations = "RESIZE" config.window_background_opacity = 0.75 config.macos_window_background_blur = 50 -- and finally, return the configuration to wezterm return config