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<h1 class="text-2xl text-gray-900 font-bold">Triston Armstrong</h1>
<p class="text-sm">Full Stack Software Developer @ <a href="ventrahealth.com"
<div class="w-full border-dashed border-gray-700 border-opacity-10 my-4 border "></div>
<p class="text-sm">I am a self taught Full Stack Software Developer with an unhealthy addiction to solving
problems using code.</p>
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<!-- SKILLS -->
<h2 class="text-1xl text-gray-900 font-bold uppercase">Skills</h2>
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<h2 class="text-1xl text-gray-900 font-bold uppercase">Jobs</h2>
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<h2 class="text-1xl text-gray-900 font-bold uppercase">Personal Projects</h2>
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<!-- NOTES -->
<h2 class="text-1xl text-gray-900 font-bold uppercase">Notes</h2>
<p>An endless trail of links to my personal notes</p>
<a href="?id=banana">note</a>
<h2>🌐 Socials</h2>
<button href="https://github.com/tristonarmstrong">Github</button>
<button href="https://twitter.com/triston_armstr">Twitter</button>
<button href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/triston95strong">LinkedIn</button>
<h2>📝 About Me</h2>
My name's Triston. I'm a Software Engineer with a passion for building complex systems and debating the best way
to solve technical problems with my team. I love it when architecture and design rigor results in consensus that
produces fantastic outcomes! 🚀
<h4>🛠 Hobbies</h4>
I enjoy off-grid living and all things involved with making that possible. Tinkering with hardware, building
automated monitoring systems for my solar panels, and other off-grid systems like rain catchment bring me joy.
<h2>💡 Skills</h2>
<legend>Operating Systems</legend>
<code>Linux (Arch)</code>
<h2>🎓 Education</h2>
I discovered a passion for software development after the completion of my formal education. My
education has primarily been in the form of boot camps and online classes, but mostly on-the-job
<h1 id="projects">🚀 Projects</h1>
<p>Here is a small sample of the many projects I've worked on over the years.</p>
<!-- Project 1: Zip Code App -->
<summary><strong>Zip Code App</strong></summary>
<legend>🛠 Technologies: React - JavaScript - Python</legend>
<img src="./zip-app.webp" alt="Zip Code App Screenshot" width="200" height="auto" />
I developed this app as a crucial part of a technical assessment. Handling a large CSV file with over
80,000+ data points, I wrote a script to disintegrate the CSV into smaller JSON files based on zip codes'
RST numbers 0-9. This improved user input evaluation and facilitated quick searches in smaller, unsorted
data files. The result was an app that reduces the time taken to calculate distances between two zip codes.
<a href="https://github.com/tristonarmstrong/zipapp">Github</a>
<!-- Project 2: Another Project -->
<summary><strong>Another Project</strong></summary>
<legend>🛠 Technologies: HTML - CSS - JavaScript</legend>
<img src="./another-project.webp" alt="Another Project Screenshot" width="200" height="auto" />
This is another exciting project where I utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive and
user-friendly application. The project involved implementing modern design principles and ensuring
cross-browser compatibility.
<a href="https://github.com/tristonarmstrong/anotherproject">Github</a>
<!-- Project 3: Yet Another Project -->
<summary><strong>Yet Another Project</strong></summary>
<legend>🛠 Technologies: Node.js - Express - MongoDB</legend>
<img src="./yet-another-project.webp" alt="Yet Another Project Screenshot" width="200" height="auto" />
In this project, I explored the world of backend development using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. I built
scalable and efficient APIs, demonstrating my skills in server-side programming and database management.
<a href="https://github.com/tristonarmstrong/yetanotherproject">Github</a>
<hr />
<h2>🌟 Experience</h2>
Below is a listing of my development experience. I have been fortunate enough to be entrusted with leadership
responsibilities at every position I've held.
<!-- Experience 1: Ventra Health -->
<a href="https://ventrahealth.com/" target="__blank">
<strong>Ventra Health</strong>
<i><small>(May 2023 - Present)</small></i>
<p>Software Developer II</p>
<li>Eliminated tech debt by updating our internal application's interface code to follow best practices,
decreasing individual components' footprint by 10-20%</li>
<li>Spearheaded the engineering of a window manager using TypeScript to efficiently manage our application's
windows, saving users an extra 5-15 seconds of time when logging out for the day</li>
<li>Increased overall test coverage of our React components to 80% coverage from a weeping 20%</li>
<li>Created a Component Test Helper Typescript class for use in frontend Jest testing to ensure testing code
declarative and DRY improving development and testing experience</li>
<!-- Experience 2: Randstad Technologies -->
<a href="https://www.randstadusa.com/about/" target="__blank">
<strong>Randstad Technologies</strong>
<i><small>(May 2022 - May 2023)</small></i>
<p>Software Developer</p>
<li>Eliminated tech debt by updating our internal application's interface code to follow best practices,
decreasing individual components' footprint by 10-20%</li>
<li>Spearheaded the engineering of a window manager using TypeScript to efficiently manage our application's
windows, saving users an extra 5-15 seconds of time when logging out for the day</li>
<li>Increased overall test coverage of our React components to 80% coverage from a weeping 20%</li>
<li>Created a Component Test Helper Typescript class for use in frontend Jest testing to ensure testing code
declarative and DRY improving development and testing experience</li>
<!-- Experience 3: Damiano Global Corporation -->
<a href="https://damianoglobal.com/" target="__blank">
<strong>Damiano Global Corporation</strong>
<i><small>(July 2020 - Nov 2021)</small></i>
<p>Python Developer</p>
<li>Supervised a team of 4-8 engineering personnel, ensuring 100% error-free Python code and design</li>
<li>Peer-reviewed and revised software designs to ensure technical compliance and propose architectural
<li>Developed ~90% of the code of our IoT user interface using Python</li>
<li>Integrated with zoom APIs for the automation of the virtual office experience reducing the time needed to
set up conference calls by ~5 minutes</li>
<li>Programmed modules that utilize various sensors to provide technical solutions such as tracking the
position in space at all times, notifying our system if devices have been moved and where to.</li>
<!-- Experience 4: Makers Ladder LLC -->
<a href="http://makersladder.com/" target="__blank">
<strong>Makers Ladder LLC</strong>
<i><small>(Dec 2019 - Apr 2022)</small></i>
<p>Software Developer</p>
<li>Headed the full-stack development of a custom video conferencing home appraisal application using
and various frameworks such as React native, integrating with Agora to provide cloud recording</li>
<li>Constructed the core video streaming components of a social media platform tailored around video
entertainment using React Native</li>
<li>Custom-built backends for 4 clients using DynamoDB and GraphQL.</li>
<hr />
<h2>Useful Tools</h2>
<p>A collection of useful tools </p>
<button onclick="window.open('https://watercss.kognise.dev/','__blank')">Waterize</button>
<button onclick="window.open('https://yofou.dev/blogs/cursor', '__blank')">Yofou
<hr />
<h2>📧 Contact</h2>
<p>Feel free to reach out!</p>
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<small>© 2023 - 2024 Triston Armstrong. All rights reserved. 📅</small>