import Layout from 'components/Layout' import Util from 'lib/utils' import FolderTree from 'components/FolderTree' import MDContent, { type LinkType } from 'components/MDContent' import Head from 'next/head' export interface HomeProps { content: string tree: Record flattenNodes: unknown[] backLinks: LinkType[] } // This trick is to dynamically load component that interact with window object (browser only) export default function Home({ content, tree, flattenNodes, backLinks }: HomeProps) { return ( {/* */}
) } export function getStaticProps() { const { nodes, edges }: { nodes: unknown[], edges: unknown[] } = Util.constructGraphData() const tree = Util.convertObject(Util.getDirectoryData()) const contentData = Util.getSinglePost('index') const flattenNodes = Util.getFlattenArray(tree) const listOfEdges = edges .filter((anEdge) => ( anEdge as { target: string }).target === 'index' ) const internalLinks = anEdge => nodes .find( aNode => ( aNode as { slug: string }).slug === (anEdge as { source: string }).source)) .filter( element => element !== undefined) const backLinks = [ Set(internalLinks)] return { props: { content:, tree, flattenNodes, backLinks } } }