## What is MindStone? If you're looking for a [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish) alternative you've come to the right place. MindStone features: - Drop in support for Obsidian Vault, This project is actually based on Obisidian Help Vault that come with the app [Start here](Start%20here.md) - Write your content in Obsidian, publish by doing `git commit` && `git push` - Support Folder/File navigation side bar - Native support for Obsidian Wiki Link style `[[Some Note]]` - Interactive Graph to visualize your content connections For developer who want to customize: - This project is built with web technology: `NextJS, ReactJS`. And use powerful `unifiedJS` framework to process markdown with hundreds of high quality plugin which allow extending of the project easier in the future - See the app in action - Youtube video ## Known issues This an early version of MindStone, which mean there are bugs and issues. Below are some known issues, that I plan to work on: - Image link in wiki link style is not supported yet. `![[Image_link.png]]` will not work yet. see work around below - Graphview does not load when clicking on side-bar or click node on graphview, browser reload will refresh it state - Graph view layout and interaction is still very rough. More UI/UX improvements are needed. - Transclusion is not working yet. ## Improvements Future features I have in mind - [ ] Page Preview like Obsidian Core plugin - [ ] Full text search with `Cmd + K` - [ ] Andy Sliding Pane - [ ] Infinite canvas for browsing through notes and connections If you find this sotware useful, please share it with other and contribute improvement to this repo. And of course, you can buy me some Ko-fi if it help you save some time and money.