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'use strict';
const is = require('./is');
const sharp = require('../build/Release/sharp.node');
const formats = new Map([
['heic', 'heif'],
['heif', 'heif'],
['jpeg', 'jpeg'],
['jpg', 'jpeg'],
['png', 'png'],
['raw', 'raw'],
['tiff', 'tiff'],
['webp', 'webp'],
['gif', 'gif']
* Write output image data to a file.
* If an explicit output format is not selected, it will be inferred from the extension,
* with JPEG, PNG, WebP, TIFF, DZI, and libvips' V format supported.
* Note that raw pixel data is only supported for buffer output.
* By default all metadata will be removed, which includes EXIF-based orientation.
* See {@link withMetadata} for control over this.
* A `Promise` is returned when `callback` is not provided.
* @example
* sharp(input)
* .toFile('output.png', (err, info) => { ... });
* @example
* sharp(input)
* .toFile('output.png')
* .then(info => { ... })
* .catch(err => { ... });
* @param {string} fileOut - the path to write the image data to.
* @param {Function} [callback] - called on completion with two arguments `(err, info)`.
* `info` contains the output image `format`, `size` (bytes), `width`, `height`,
* `channels` and `premultiplied` (indicating if premultiplication was used).
* When using a crop strategy also contains `cropOffsetLeft` and `cropOffsetTop`.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - when no callback is provided
* @throws {Error} Invalid parameters
function toFile (fileOut, callback) {
if (!fileOut || fileOut.length === 0) {
const errOutputInvalid = new Error('Missing output file path');
if (is.fn(callback)) {
} else {
return Promise.reject(errOutputInvalid);
} else {
if (this.options.input.file === fileOut) {
const errOutputIsInput = new Error('Cannot use same file for input and output');
if (is.fn(callback)) {
} else {
return Promise.reject(errOutputIsInput);
} else {
this.options.fileOut = fileOut;
return this._pipeline(callback);
return this;
* Write output to a Buffer.
* JPEG, PNG, WebP, TIFF and RAW output are supported.
* If no explicit format is set, the output format will match the input image, except GIF and SVG input which become PNG output.
* By default all metadata will be removed, which includes EXIF-based orientation.
* See {@link withMetadata} for control over this.
* `callback`, if present, gets three arguments `(err, data, info)` where:
* - `err` is an error, if any.
* - `data` is the output image data.
* - `info` contains the output image `format`, `size` (bytes), `width`, `height`,
* `channels` and `premultiplied` (indicating if premultiplication was used).
* When using a crop strategy also contains `cropOffsetLeft` and `cropOffsetTop`.
* A `Promise` is returned when `callback` is not provided.
* @example
* sharp(input)
* .toBuffer((err, data, info) => { ... });
* @example
* sharp(input)
* .toBuffer()
* .then(data => { ... })
* .catch(err => { ... });
* @example
* sharp(input)
* .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true })
* .then(({ data, info }) => { ... })
* .catch(err => { ... });
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.resolveWithObject] Resolve the Promise with an Object containing `data` and `info` properties instead of resolving only with `data`.
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>} - when no callback is provided
function toBuffer (options, callback) {
if (is.object(options)) {
this._setBooleanOption('resolveWithObject', options.resolveWithObject);
} else if (this.options.resolveWithObject) {
this.options.resolveWithObject = false;
return this._pipeline(is.fn(options) ? options : callback);
* Include all metadata (EXIF, XMP, IPTC) from the input image in the output image.
* This will also convert to and add a web-friendly sRGB ICC profile unless a custom
* output profile is provided.
* The default behaviour, when `withMetadata` is not used, is to convert to the device-independent
* sRGB colour space and strip all metadata, including the removal of any ICC profile.
* @example
* sharp('input.jpg')
* .withMetadata()
* .toFile('output-with-metadata.jpg')
* .then(info => { ... });
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.orientation] value between 1 and 8, used to update the EXIF `Orientation` tag.
* @param {string} [options.icc] filesystem path to output ICC profile, defaults to sRGB.
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid parameters
function withMetadata (options) {
this.options.withMetadata = is.bool(options) ? options : true;
if (is.object(options)) {
if (is.defined(options.orientation)) {
if (is.integer(options.orientation) && is.inRange(options.orientation, 1, 8)) {
this.options.withMetadataOrientation = options.orientation;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('orientation', 'integer between 1 and 8', options.orientation);
if (is.defined(options.icc)) {
if (is.string(options.icc)) {
this.options.withMetadataIcc = options.icc;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('icc', 'string filesystem path to ICC profile', options.icc);
return this;
* Force output to a given format.
* @example
* // Convert any input to PNG output
* const data = await sharp(input)
* .toFormat('png')
* .toBuffer();
* @param {(string|Object)} format - as a string or an Object with an 'id' attribute
* @param {Object} options - output options
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} unsupported format or options
function toFormat (format, options) {
const actualFormat = formats.get(is.object(format) && is.string(format.id) ? format.id : format);
if (!actualFormat) {
throw is.invalidParameterError('format', `one of: ${[...formats.keys()].join(', ')}`, format);
return this[actualFormat](options);
* Use these JPEG options for output image.
* Some of these options require the use of a globally-installed libvips compiled with support for mozjpeg.
* @example
* // Convert any input to very high quality JPEG output
* const data = await sharp(input)
* .jpeg({
* quality: 100,
* chromaSubsampling: '4:4:4'
* })
* .toBuffer();
* @param {Object} [options] - output options
* @param {number} [options.quality=80] - quality, integer 1-100
* @param {boolean} [options.progressive=false] - use progressive (interlace) scan
* @param {string} [options.chromaSubsampling='4:2:0'] - set to '4:4:4' to prevent chroma subsampling otherwise defaults to '4:2:0' chroma subsampling
* @param {boolean} [options.optimiseCoding=true] - optimise Huffman coding tables
* @param {boolean} [options.optimizeCoding=true] - alternative spelling of optimiseCoding
* @param {boolean} [options.trellisQuantisation=false] - apply trellis quantisation, requires libvips compiled with support for mozjpeg
* @param {boolean} [options.overshootDeringing=false] - apply overshoot deringing, requires libvips compiled with support for mozjpeg
* @param {boolean} [options.optimiseScans=false] - optimise progressive scans, forces progressive, requires libvips compiled with support for mozjpeg
* @param {boolean} [options.optimizeScans=false] - alternative spelling of optimiseScans, requires libvips compiled with support for mozjpeg
* @param {number} [options.quantisationTable=0] - quantization table to use, integer 0-8, requires libvips compiled with support for mozjpeg
* @param {number} [options.quantizationTable=0] - alternative spelling of quantisationTable, requires libvips compiled with support for mozjpeg
* @param {boolean} [options.force=true] - force JPEG output, otherwise attempt to use input format
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid options
function jpeg (options) {
if (is.object(options)) {
if (is.defined(options.quality)) {
if (is.integer(options.quality) && is.inRange(options.quality, 1, 100)) {
this.options.jpegQuality = options.quality;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('quality', 'integer between 1 and 100', options.quality);
if (is.defined(options.progressive)) {
this._setBooleanOption('jpegProgressive', options.progressive);
if (is.defined(options.chromaSubsampling)) {
if (is.string(options.chromaSubsampling) && is.inArray(options.chromaSubsampling, ['4:2:0', '4:4:4'])) {
this.options.jpegChromaSubsampling = options.chromaSubsampling;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('chromaSubsampling', 'one of: 4:2:0, 4:4:4', options.chromaSubsampling);
const trellisQuantisation = is.bool(options.trellisQuantization) ? options.trellisQuantization : options.trellisQuantisation;
if (is.defined(trellisQuantisation)) {
this._setBooleanOption('jpegTrellisQuantisation', trellisQuantisation);
if (is.defined(options.overshootDeringing)) {
this._setBooleanOption('jpegOvershootDeringing', options.overshootDeringing);
const optimiseScans = is.bool(options.optimizeScans) ? options.optimizeScans : options.optimiseScans;
if (is.defined(optimiseScans)) {
this._setBooleanOption('jpegOptimiseScans', optimiseScans);
if (optimiseScans) {
this.options.jpegProgressive = true;
const optimiseCoding = is.bool(options.optimizeCoding) ? options.optimizeCoding : options.optimiseCoding;
if (is.defined(optimiseCoding)) {
this._setBooleanOption('jpegOptimiseCoding', optimiseCoding);
const quantisationTable = is.number(options.quantizationTable) ? options.quantizationTable : options.quantisationTable;
if (is.defined(quantisationTable)) {
if (is.integer(quantisationTable) && is.inRange(quantisationTable, 0, 8)) {
this.options.jpegQuantisationTable = quantisationTable;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('quantisationTable', 'integer between 0 and 8', quantisationTable);
return this._updateFormatOut('jpeg', options);
* Use these PNG options for output image.
* PNG output is always full colour at 8 or 16 bits per pixel.
* Indexed PNG input at 1, 2 or 4 bits per pixel is converted to 8 bits per pixel.
* Some of these options require the use of a globally-installed libvips compiled with support for libimagequant (GPL).
* @example
* // Convert any input to PNG output
* const data = await sharp(input)
* .png()
* .toBuffer();
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.progressive=false] - use progressive (interlace) scan
* @param {number} [options.compressionLevel=9] - zlib compression level, 0-9
* @param {boolean} [options.adaptiveFiltering=false] - use adaptive row filtering
* @param {boolean} [options.palette=false] - quantise to a palette-based image with alpha transparency support, requires libvips compiled with support for libimagequant
* @param {number} [options.quality=100] - use the lowest number of colours needed to achieve given quality, sets `palette` to `true`, requires libvips compiled with support for libimagequant
* @param {number} [options.colours=256] - maximum number of palette entries, sets `palette` to `true`, requires libvips compiled with support for libimagequant
* @param {number} [options.colors=256] - alternative spelling of `options.colours`, sets `palette` to `true`, requires libvips compiled with support for libimagequant
* @param {number} [options.dither=1.0] - level of Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion, sets `palette` to `true`, requires libvips compiled with support for libimagequant
* @param {boolean} [options.force=true] - force PNG output, otherwise attempt to use input format
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid options
function png (options) {
if (is.object(options)) {
if (is.defined(options.progressive)) {
this._setBooleanOption('pngProgressive', options.progressive);
if (is.defined(options.compressionLevel)) {
if (is.integer(options.compressionLevel) && is.inRange(options.compressionLevel, 0, 9)) {
this.options.pngCompressionLevel = options.compressionLevel;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('compressionLevel', 'integer between 0 and 9', options.compressionLevel);
if (is.defined(options.adaptiveFiltering)) {
this._setBooleanOption('pngAdaptiveFiltering', options.adaptiveFiltering);
if (is.defined(options.palette)) {
this._setBooleanOption('pngPalette', options.palette);
} else if (is.defined(options.quality) || is.defined(options.colours || options.colors) || is.defined(options.dither)) {
this._setBooleanOption('pngPalette', true);
if (this.options.pngPalette) {
if (is.defined(options.quality)) {
if (is.integer(options.quality) && is.inRange(options.quality, 0, 100)) {
this.options.pngQuality = options.quality;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('quality', 'integer between 0 and 100', options.quality);
const colours = options.colours || options.colors;
if (is.defined(colours)) {
if (is.integer(colours) && is.inRange(colours, 2, 256)) {
this.options.pngColours = colours;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('colours', 'integer between 2 and 256', colours);
if (is.defined(options.dither)) {
if (is.number(options.dither) && is.inRange(options.dither, 0, 1)) {
this.options.pngDither = options.dither;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('dither', 'number between 0.0 and 1.0', options.dither);
return this._updateFormatOut('png', options);
* Use these WebP options for output image.
* @example
* // Convert any input to lossless WebP output
* const data = await sharp(input)
* .webp({ lossless: true })
* .toBuffer();
* @param {Object} [options] - output options
* @param {number} [options.quality=80] - quality, integer 1-100
* @param {number} [options.alphaQuality=100] - quality of alpha layer, integer 0-100
* @param {boolean} [options.lossless=false] - use lossless compression mode
* @param {boolean} [options.nearLossless=false] - use near_lossless compression mode
* @param {boolean} [options.smartSubsample=false] - use high quality chroma subsampling
* @param {number} [options.reductionEffort=4] - level of CPU effort to reduce file size, integer 0-6
* @param {number} [options.pageHeight] - page height for animated output
* @param {number} [options.loop=0] - number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation
* @param {number[]} [options.delay] - list of delays between animation frames (in milliseconds)
* @param {boolean} [options.force=true] - force WebP output, otherwise attempt to use input format
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid options
function webp (options) {
if (is.object(options) && is.defined(options.quality)) {
if (is.integer(options.quality) && is.inRange(options.quality, 1, 100)) {
this.options.webpQuality = options.quality;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('quality', 'integer between 1 and 100', options.quality);
if (is.object(options) && is.defined(options.alphaQuality)) {
if (is.integer(options.alphaQuality) && is.inRange(options.alphaQuality, 0, 100)) {
this.options.webpAlphaQuality = options.alphaQuality;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('alphaQuality', 'integer between 0 and 100', options.alphaQuality);
if (is.object(options) && is.defined(options.lossless)) {
this._setBooleanOption('webpLossless', options.lossless);
if (is.object(options) && is.defined(options.nearLossless)) {
this._setBooleanOption('webpNearLossless', options.nearLossless);
if (is.object(options) && is.defined(options.smartSubsample)) {
this._setBooleanOption('webpSmartSubsample', options.smartSubsample);
if (is.object(options) && is.defined(options.reductionEffort)) {
if (is.integer(options.reductionEffort) && is.inRange(options.reductionEffort, 0, 6)) {
this.options.webpReductionEffort = options.reductionEffort;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('reductionEffort', 'integer between 0 and 6', options.reductionEffort);
trySetAnimationOptions(options, this.options);
return this._updateFormatOut('webp', options);
* Use these GIF options for output image.
* Requires libvips compiled with support for ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick.
* The prebuilt binaries do not include this - see
* {@link https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/install#custom-libvips installing a custom libvips}.
* @param {Object} [options] - output options
* @param {number} [options.pageHeight] - page height for animated output
* @param {number} [options.loop=0] - number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation
* @param {number[]} [options.delay] - list of delays between animation frames (in milliseconds)
* @param {boolean} [options.force=true] - force GIF output, otherwise attempt to use input format
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid options
/* istanbul ignore next */
function gif (options) {
if (!this.constructor.format.magick.output.buffer) {
throw new Error('The gif operation requires libvips to have been installed with support for ImageMagick');
trySetAnimationOptions(options, this.options);
return this._updateFormatOut('gif', options);
* Set animation options if available.
* @private
* @param {Object} [source] - output options
* @param {number} [source.pageHeight] - page height for animated output
* @param {number} [source.loop=0] - number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation
* @param {number[]} [source.delay] - list of delays between animation frames (in milliseconds)
* @param {Object} [target] - target object for valid options
* @throws {Error} Invalid options
function trySetAnimationOptions (source, target) {
if (is.object(source) && is.defined(source.pageHeight)) {
if (is.integer(source.pageHeight) && source.pageHeight > 0) {
target.pageHeight = source.pageHeight;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('pageHeight', 'integer larger than 0', source.pageHeight);
if (is.object(source) && is.defined(source.loop)) {
if (is.integer(source.loop) && is.inRange(source.loop, 0, 65535)) {
target.loop = source.loop;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('loop', 'integer between 0 and 65535', source.loop);
if (is.object(source) && is.defined(source.delay)) {
if (
Array.isArray(source.delay) &&
source.delay.every(is.integer) &&
source.delay.every(v => is.inRange(v, 0, 65535))) {
target.delay = source.delay;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('delay', 'array of integers between 0 and 65535', source.delay);
* Use these TIFF options for output image.
* @example
* // Convert SVG input to LZW-compressed, 1 bit per pixel TIFF output
* sharp('input.svg')
* .tiff({
* compression: 'lzw',
* bitdepth: 1
* })
* .toFile('1-bpp-output.tiff')
* .then(info => { ... });
* @param {Object} [options] - output options
* @param {number} [options.quality=80] - quality, integer 1-100
* @param {boolean} [options.force=true] - force TIFF output, otherwise attempt to use input format
* @param {boolean} [options.compression='jpeg'] - compression options: lzw, deflate, jpeg, ccittfax4
* @param {boolean} [options.predictor='horizontal'] - compression predictor options: none, horizontal, float
* @param {boolean} [options.pyramid=false] - write an image pyramid
* @param {boolean} [options.tile=false] - write a tiled tiff
* @param {boolean} [options.tileWidth=256] - horizontal tile size
* @param {boolean} [options.tileHeight=256] - vertical tile size
* @param {number} [options.xres=1.0] - horizontal resolution in pixels/mm
* @param {number} [options.yres=1.0] - vertical resolution in pixels/mm
* @param {boolean} [options.bitdepth=8] - reduce bitdepth to 1, 2 or 4 bit
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid options
function tiff (options) {
if (is.object(options)) {
if (is.defined(options.quality)) {
if (is.integer(options.quality) && is.inRange(options.quality, 1, 100)) {
this.options.tiffQuality = options.quality;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('quality', 'integer between 1 and 100', options.quality);
if (is.defined(options.bitdepth)) {
if (is.integer(options.bitdepth) && is.inArray(options.bitdepth, [1, 2, 4, 8])) {
this.options.tiffBitdepth = options.bitdepth;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('bitdepth', '1, 2, 4 or 8', options.bitdepth);
// tiling
if (is.defined(options.tile)) {
this._setBooleanOption('tiffTile', options.tile);
if (is.defined(options.tileWidth)) {
if (is.integer(options.tileWidth) && options.tileWidth > 0) {
this.options.tiffTileWidth = options.tileWidth;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('tileWidth', 'integer greater than zero', options.tileWidth);
if (is.defined(options.tileHeight)) {
if (is.integer(options.tileHeight) && options.tileHeight > 0) {
this.options.tiffTileHeight = options.tileHeight;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('tileHeight', 'integer greater than zero', options.tileHeight);
// pyramid
if (is.defined(options.pyramid)) {
this._setBooleanOption('tiffPyramid', options.pyramid);
// resolution
if (is.defined(options.xres)) {
if (is.number(options.xres) && options.xres > 0) {
this.options.tiffXres = options.xres;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('xres', 'number greater than zero', options.xres);
if (is.defined(options.yres)) {
if (is.number(options.yres) && options.yres > 0) {
this.options.tiffYres = options.yres;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('yres', 'number greater than zero', options.yres);
// compression
if (is.defined(options.compression)) {
if (is.string(options.compression) && is.inArray(options.compression, ['lzw', 'deflate', 'jpeg', 'ccittfax4', 'none'])) {
this.options.tiffCompression = options.compression;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('compression', 'one of: lzw, deflate, jpeg, ccittfax4, none', options.compression);
// predictor
if (is.defined(options.predictor)) {
if (is.string(options.predictor) && is.inArray(options.predictor, ['none', 'horizontal', 'float'])) {
this.options.tiffPredictor = options.predictor;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('predictor', 'one of: none, horizontal, float', options.predictor);
return this._updateFormatOut('tiff', options);
* Use these HEIF options for output image.
* Support for HEIF (HEIC/AVIF) is experimental.
* Do not use this in production systems.
* Requires a custom, globally-installed libvips compiled with support for libheif.
* Most versions of libheif support only the patent-encumbered HEVC compression format.
* @since 0.23.0
* @param {Object} [options] - output options
* @param {number} [options.quality=80] - quality, integer 1-100
* @param {boolean} [options.compression='hevc'] - compression format: hevc, avc, jpeg, av1
* @param {boolean} [options.lossless=false] - use lossless compression
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid options
function heif (options) {
if (!this.constructor.format.heif.output.buffer) {
throw new Error('The heif operation requires libvips to have been installed with support for libheif');
if (is.object(options)) {
if (is.defined(options.quality)) {
if (is.integer(options.quality) && is.inRange(options.quality, 1, 100)) {
this.options.heifQuality = options.quality;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('quality', 'integer between 1 and 100', options.quality);
if (is.defined(options.lossless)) {
if (is.bool(options.lossless)) {
this.options.heifLossless = options.lossless;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('lossless', 'boolean', options.lossless);
if (is.defined(options.compression)) {
if (is.string(options.compression) && is.inArray(options.compression, ['hevc', 'avc', 'jpeg', 'av1'])) {
this.options.heifCompression = options.compression;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('compression', 'one of: hevc, avc, jpeg, av1', options.compression);
return this._updateFormatOut('heif', options);
* Force output to be raw, uncompressed, 8-bit unsigned integer (unit8) pixel data.
* Pixel ordering is left-to-right, top-to-bottom, without padding.
* Channel ordering will be RGB or RGBA for non-greyscale colourspaces.
* @example
* // Extract raw RGB pixel data from JPEG input
* const { data, info } = await sharp('input.jpg')
* .raw()
* .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true });
* @example
* // Extract alpha channel as raw pixel data from PNG input
* const data = await sharp('input.png')
* .ensureAlpha()
* .extractChannel(3)
* .toColourspace('b-w')
* .raw()
* .toBuffer();
* @returns {Sharp}
function raw () {
return this._updateFormatOut('raw');
* Use tile-based deep zoom (image pyramid) output.
* Set the format and options for tile images via the `toFormat`, `jpeg`, `png` or `webp` functions.
* Use a `.zip` or `.szi` file extension with `toFile` to write to a compressed archive file format.
* Warning: multiple sharp instances concurrently producing tile output can expose a possible race condition in some versions of libgsf.
* @example
* sharp('input.tiff')
* .png()
* .tile({
* size: 512
* })
* .toFile('output.dz', function(err, info) {
* // output.dzi is the Deep Zoom XML definition
* // output_files contains 512x512 tiles grouped by zoom level
* });
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.size=256] tile size in pixels, a value between 1 and 8192.
* @param {number} [options.overlap=0] tile overlap in pixels, a value between 0 and 8192.
* @param {number} [options.angle=0] tile angle of rotation, must be a multiple of 90.
* @param {string|Object} [options.background={r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, alpha: 1}] - background colour, parsed by the [color](https://www.npmjs.org/package/color) module, defaults to white without transparency.
* @param {string} [options.depth] how deep to make the pyramid, possible values are `onepixel`, `onetile` or `one`, default based on layout.
* @param {number} [options.skipBlanks=-1] threshold to skip tile generation, a value 0 - 255 for 8-bit images or 0 - 65535 for 16-bit images
* @param {string} [options.container='fs'] tile container, with value `fs` (filesystem) or `zip` (compressed file).
* @param {string} [options.layout='dz'] filesystem layout, possible values are `dz`, `iiif`, `zoomify` or `google`.
* @param {boolean} [options.centre=false] centre image in tile.
* @param {boolean} [options.center=false] alternative spelling of centre.
* @returns {Sharp}
* @throws {Error} Invalid parameters
function tile (options) {
if (is.object(options)) {
// Size of square tiles, in pixels
if (is.defined(options.size)) {
if (is.integer(options.size) && is.inRange(options.size, 1, 8192)) {
this.options.tileSize = options.size;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('size', 'integer between 1 and 8192', options.size);
// Overlap of tiles, in pixels
if (is.defined(options.overlap)) {
if (is.integer(options.overlap) && is.inRange(options.overlap, 0, 8192)) {
if (options.overlap > this.options.tileSize) {
throw is.invalidParameterError('overlap', `<= size (${this.options.tileSize})`, options.overlap);
this.options.tileOverlap = options.overlap;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('overlap', 'integer between 0 and 8192', options.overlap);
// Container
if (is.defined(options.container)) {
if (is.string(options.container) && is.inArray(options.container, ['fs', 'zip'])) {
this.options.tileContainer = options.container;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('container', 'one of: fs, zip', options.container);
// Layout
if (is.defined(options.layout)) {
if (is.string(options.layout) && is.inArray(options.layout, ['dz', 'google', 'iiif', 'zoomify'])) {
this.options.tileLayout = options.layout;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('layout', 'one of: dz, google, iiif, zoomify', options.layout);
// Angle of rotation,
if (is.defined(options.angle)) {
if (is.integer(options.angle) && !(options.angle % 90)) {
this.options.tileAngle = options.angle;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('angle', 'positive/negative multiple of 90', options.angle);
// Background colour
this._setBackgroundColourOption('tileBackground', options.background);
// Depth of tiles
if (is.defined(options.depth)) {
if (is.string(options.depth) && is.inArray(options.depth, ['onepixel', 'onetile', 'one'])) {
this.options.tileDepth = options.depth;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('depth', 'one of: onepixel, onetile, one', options.depth);
// Threshold to skip blank tiles
if (is.defined(options.skipBlanks)) {
if (is.integer(options.skipBlanks) && is.inRange(options.skipBlanks, -1, 65535)) {
this.options.tileSkipBlanks = options.skipBlanks;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError('skipBlanks', 'integer between -1 and 255/65535', options.skipBlanks);
} else if (is.defined(options.layout) && options.layout === 'google') {
this.options.tileSkipBlanks = 5;
// Center image in tile
const centre = is.bool(options.center) ? options.center : options.centre;
if (is.defined(centre)) {
this._setBooleanOption('tileCentre', centre);
// Format
if (is.inArray(this.options.formatOut, ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp'])) {
this.options.tileFormat = this.options.formatOut;
} else if (this.options.formatOut !== 'input') {
throw is.invalidParameterError('format', 'one of: jpeg, png, webp', this.options.formatOut);
return this._updateFormatOut('dz');
* Update the output format unless options.force is false,
* in which case revert to input format.
* @private
* @param {string} formatOut
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.force=true] - force output format, otherwise attempt to use input format
* @returns {Sharp}
function _updateFormatOut (formatOut, options) {
if (!(is.object(options) && options.force === false)) {
this.options.formatOut = formatOut;
return this;
* Update a boolean attribute of the this.options Object.
* @private
* @param {string} key
* @param {boolean} val
* @throws {Error} Invalid key
function _setBooleanOption (key, val) {
if (is.bool(val)) {
this.options[key] = val;
} else {
throw is.invalidParameterError(key, 'boolean', val);
* Called by a WriteableStream to notify us it is ready for data.
* @private
function _read () {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!this.options.streamOut) {
this.options.streamOut = true;
* Invoke the C++ image processing pipeline
* Supports callback, stream and promise variants
* @private
function _pipeline (callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// output=file/buffer
if (this._isStreamInput()) {
// output=file/buffer, input=stream
this.on('finish', () => {
sharp.pipeline(this.options, callback);
} else {
// output=file/buffer, input=file/buffer
sharp.pipeline(this.options, callback);
return this;
} else if (this.options.streamOut) {
// output=stream
if (this._isStreamInput()) {
// output=stream, input=stream
this.once('finish', () => {
sharp.pipeline(this.options, (err, data, info) => {
if (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
} else {
this.emit('info', info);
if (this.streamInFinished) {
} else {
// output=stream, input=file/buffer
sharp.pipeline(this.options, (err, data, info) => {
if (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
} else {
this.emit('info', info);
return this;
} else {
// output=promise
if (this._isStreamInput()) {
// output=promise, input=stream
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.once('finish', () => {
sharp.pipeline(this.options, (err, data, info) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (this.options.resolveWithObject) {
resolve({ data, info });
} else {
} else {
// output=promise, input=file/buffer
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
sharp.pipeline(this.options, (err, data, info) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (this.options.resolveWithObject) {
resolve({ data: data, info: info });
} else {
* Decorate the Sharp prototype with output-related functions.
* @private
module.exports = function (Sharp) {
Object.assign(Sharp.prototype, {
// Public
// Private