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78 lines
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### Embed attachments
You can embed attachment files like images or audio in your notes. Use the `![[filename.png]]` syntax like so:
![[Excerpt from Mother of All Demos (1968).ogg]]
You can embed a PDF file in your notes with the same syntax. Additionally, you can write `![[My File.pdf#page=number]]` to open to that specific page of the PDF directly.
### Embed notes
You can embed a note also, with the same syntax:
![[Accepted file formats]]
### iframe
"iframe" is a way to embed a web page in another. It's useful because Markdown can accept HTML, which is a simple language to construct the web pages we see every day.
For example:
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NnTvZWp5Q7o"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NnTvZWp5Q7o"></iframe>
The basic syntax is:
<iframe src="INSERT YOUR URL HERE"></iframe>
Some websites have quirks that don't allow you to embed them. For example, you can't embed a YouTube video by using its normal URL, but you can use its embed URL which is `https://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO_ID`.
If you want to embed a website, try searching for "{website} embed iframe".
For example, you can embed Twitter tweets like so as suggested by search results:
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550
### Developer notes
The syntax is inspired by Markdown's image syntax. We had two observations:
1. `[Image](link.png)` links to the image, but `![Image](link.png)` actually displays it.
2. The internal link syntax is based on this assumption: `[[My page]]` is a shortcut (or "syntactic sugar" if you will) for `[My page](My page)`.
To combine these two things, we can come up with a third pattern:`![[My page]]` should be equivalent to `![My page](My page)` , which by the image convention, if the title is the same as the link, should display it.
There are other implementations out there, for example Roam Research uses `{{embed: ((NODE_ID))}}`. We have also considered using the `((Page name))` syntax too, but we feel like `![[Page name]]` is more consistent, more familiar, and leaves more room so that the other symbols to have their own meanings.
#### Resize images
You can resize images using the following syntax:
For markdown images, use `![AltText|100x100](https://url/to/image.png)`
For embeds, use `![[image.png|100x100]]`
To have the image scale according to its aspect ratio, omit the height `![[image.png|100]]`