class ProcessorDevice(): """ Defines common interface to Extron Control Processors Note: - `DeviceAlias` must be a valid device Device Alias of an Extron device in the system. - If the part number is provided, the device will trigger a warning message in the program log if it does not match the connected device. --- Functions: - Reboot: Performs a soft restart of this device – this is equivalent to rebooting a PC. - SetExecutiveMode: Sets the desired Executive Mode --- Arguments: - DeviceAlias (string) - Device Alias of the Extron device - (optional) PartNumber (string) - device’s part number --- Parameters: - CurrentLoad - Returns (float) - the current load of 12V DC power supply. This only applies to ProcessorDevice featuring 12V DC power supply. It returns None otherwise. - DeviceAlias - Returns (string) - the device alias of the object - ExecutiveMode - Returns (int) - The current executive mode number. - FirmwareVersion - Returns (string) - the firmware version of this device - Hostname - Returns (string) - the hostname of this device - IPAddress - Returns (string) - IP address of this device - LinkLicenses - Returns (list of strings) - List of LinkLicense® part numbers. - MACAddress - Returns (string) - MAC address of this device. For dual NIC devices, the LAN address is returned. - ModelName - Returns (string) - Model name of this device - PartNumber - Returns (string) - the part number of this device - SerialNumber - Returns (string) - Serial number of this device - UserUsage - Returns (tuple of ints) - user data usage of this device in KB (used, total). --- Events: - ExecutiveModeChanged - (Event) Triggers when executive mode changes. The callback takes two arguments. The first one is the extronlib.device instance triggering the event and the second one is is the executive mode number. - Offline - (Event) Triggers when the device goes offline. The callback takes two arguments. The first one is the extronlib.device instance triggering the event and the second one is a string ('Offline'). - Online - (Event) Triggers when the device comes online. The callback takes two arguments. The first one is the extronlib.device instance triggering the event and the second one is a string ('Online'). --- Example: ``` # Create Primary Processor ConfRoom = ProcessorDevice('Main') # Create Secondary Processor, Confirm Partnumber ConfRoom3 = ProcessorDevice('profRobertsRm', '60-1234-01') # Create Touch Panel PodiumTLP = UIDevice('Podium TLP') # Create System Switcher AV Device SystemSwitcher = SPDevice('SysSwitcher') ``` """ CurrentLoad: float """ the current load of 12V DC power supply in watts Note: - This only applies to ProcessorDevice featuring 12V DC power supply. It returns None otherwise. """ DeviceAlias: str ExecutiveMode: int ExecutiveModeChanged = None """Event: Triggers when executive mode changes. The callback takes two arguments. The first is the extronlib.device instance triggering the event and the second is the executive mode number. --- Example: ``` @event(proc, 'ExecutiveModeChanged') def HandleExecutiveMode(device, ExecutiveMode): - print('Executive mode changed to {}.'.format(ExecutiveMode)) ``` """ FirmwareVersion: str HostName: str IPAddress: str """Note: - For control processors with AV LAN, the LAN address is returned.""" LinkLicenses: list[str] """ List of LinkLicense® part numbers.""" MACAddress: str """ Note: - For control processors with AV LAN, the LAN address is returned. """ ModelName: str Offline = None """ Event: - Triggers when the device goes offline. The callback takes two arguments. The first one is the extronlib.device instance triggering the event and the second one is a string ('Offline'). """ Online = None """ Event: - Triggers when the device goes online. The callback takes two arguments. The first one is the extronlib.device instance triggering the event and the second one is a string ('Online'). """ PartNumber: str SerialNumber: str UserUsage: tuple[int, int] """user data usage of this device in KB (used, total).""" SystemSettings: dict """ Returns: - dict: a dictionary of data describing the settings (defined in Toolbelt) of this device --- Example: ``` { 'Network': { 'LAN': [ 'DNSServers': ['',], 'Gateway': '', 'Hostname': 'ConfRoom', 'IPAddress': '', 'SubnetMask': '', 'SearchDomains': ['',], ], 'AVLAN': [ 'DHCPServer': 'Off', 'DNSServers': ['',], 'Hostname': 'ConfRoom', 'IPAddress': '', 'SubnetMask': '', 'SearchDomains': ['',], ], }, 'MailServer': { 'IPAddress': '', 'SMTPPort': 25, 'SSLEnabled': True, 'UserID': 'jdoe', }, 'DateTime': { 'NTPSettings': { 'Enabled': True, 'Server': '', # '' if Enable == False }, 'TimeZone': '(UTC-08:00/UTC-07:00) Pacific Time', } 'ProgramInformation': { 'Author': 'jdoe', 'DeviceName': 'IPCP Pro 550 :', 'FileLoaded': 'GS', 'LastUpdated': '1/23/2016 9:08:29 AM', 'SoftwareVersion': '', } } ``` """ def __init__(self, DeviceAlias: str, PartNumber: str=None): """ ProcessorDevice class constructor. Arguments: - DeviceAlias (string) - Device Alias of the Extron device - PartNumber (string) - device’s part number """ ... def Reboot(self) -> None: """Performs a soft restart of this device – this is equivalent to rebooting a PC. --- ### WARNING - Any unsaved data will be lost, including Program Log. Follow the example below. --- Example: ``` from extronlib.system import File, SaveProgramLog from datetime import datetime # Save the ProgramLog for later inspection. dt = filename = 'ProgramLog {}.txt'.format(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S')) with File(filename, 'w') as f: - SaveProgramLog(f) device.Reboot() ``` """ ... def SetExecutiveMode(self, ExecutiveMode: int) -> float: """ Sets the desired Executive Mode. --- Note: - See product manual for list of available modes. --- Arguments: - ExecutiveMode (int) - The mode to set. 0 to n. """ ...